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What is iOS Development?

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If you've ever wondered what is iOS development, you're not alone. You aren't the only person who is curious about Objective C, Swift, Core Data and Xcode. iOS developers are as passionate about their craft as any other developer. They are out more often than their competitors and are as passionate about technology as any other developer. But they don't lose sight at design and user experience.


Xcode is Apple's integrated development environment (IDE), which allows developers to write code in Swift and compile their applications. Xcode was originally designed for iOS development. However, it can be used to develop in other languages. It is very versatile, allowing users to write code for any application and design the user interface, as well as test and submit their apps to Apple's App Store marketplaces.

To download Xcode for iOS development, you will need a Mac with at least 2GB RAM, 30GB of hard disk space, and 128MB of video memory. An Apple ID is required. Next, click the App Store icon in the Dock. From there, click Xcode in the top-right corner.


Objective-C is a programming language that allows you to create iOS apps. It is a descendant from C and can use the extensive C++ libraries. Unlike Swift, which is not directly interoperable with C, Objective-C can use C libraries, such as the Swift library. It comes with XCode, an IDE that is widely used to develop iOS and OS X applications. The IDE provides all the tools necessary to develop fast, performant apps.

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Objective-C is an object-oriented programming language. It has two main files, the interface and the implementation. The interface file includes a class definition, while the implementation file contains actual code. This file will include code for creating and storing objects and accessing methods. For example, the class Color might have the instance method -changeColorToRed:green:blue. Objective-C does not use Swift pointers to protect against security weaknesses. Pointers can be handy, but they can also create problems for developers.


iOS Development with Swift is a hands-on guide to creating apps in the Swift programming language. It covers everything about Swift and walks you through how to create an app. This guide will be invaluable to any developer interested in developing iOS apps. The detailed examples of the author make it easy for you to master Swift.

Swift is a cross platform programming language that runs on Linux and Apple iOS. It is powered by the LLVM compiler technology, which allows it to run at high speeds. This allows you to create apps with much less code and faster.

Core Data

Core Data is a framework that can help you learn how to use it in your iOS project. The framework includes many components that work together to provide an individual data storage solution. You'll also learn how to use advanced fetch requests and the various types of fetching.

Core Data is implemented in a managed-object model (MOM). This means entities have attributes that can be mapped to fields in your code. An entity can have multiple attributes such as name and position.

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Project management

iOS development project management can be quite challenging. Small teams may rely on pen & paper to manage the project. While this is a quick, elastic solution, it has its drawbacks. In the end, you'll have a mess of documents pertaining to several different versions of your iOS application. This is not the best approach for team management.

To help with project management, consider a cloud-based platform such as Wrike. Wrike allows you to collaborate on projects, streamlines workflows, and provides real-time reports. Wrike is also compatible with other platforms. This makes it simple for teams and individuals to collaborate in realtime.

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Is it necessary to pay taxes on consulting income

Yes, you must pay tax on the consultancy profits. The amount depends on how much you earn per year.

If you are self employed, you can claim expenses in addition to your salary. This includes rent and childcare.

But, interest payments on loans, vehicle and equipment depreciation will not be allowed to be deducted.

You can only claim back 25% of your expenses if you earn less than PS10,000 a year.

Even if you earn more than the threshold, you could still be taxed depending upon whether you are classified as a contractor and/or employee.

Employees are generally taxed through PAYE (pay as you earn) and contractors through VAT.

How do I choose the right consultant?

Three main factors should be considered:

  1. Experience - How much experience does this consultant have? Is she an expert, beginner, intermediate or advanced consultant? Do her qualifications and knowledge show on her resume?
  2. Education – What did this person learn at school? Did he/she study any relevant courses after graduating from high school? Were there any evidences of this learning in his/her writing?
  3. Personality - Do we like this person? Would you want this person to work for you?
  4. These questions will help us determine if the consultant is right to meet our needs. If you don't have clear answers, it may be worth meeting with the candidate for an interview.

Do I need legal counsel?

Yes! Yes! Many consultants create contracts without consulting clients. This can lead into problems down-the-road. For example, what happens to the contract if the client terminates it before the consultant has completed? What happens if the contract stipulates that the consultant must meet certain deadlines?

Avoid potential legal problems by consulting a lawyer.


  • My 10 years of experience and 6-step program have helped over 20 clients boost their sales by an average of 33% in 6 months. (consultingsuccess.com)
  • According to statistics from the ONS, the UK has around 300,000 consultants, of which around 63,000 professionals work as management consultants. (consultancy.uk)
  • WHY choose me: Why your ideal client should choose you (ex: 10 years of experience and 6-week program has helped over 20 clients boost their sales by an average of 33% in 6 months). (consultingsuccess.com)
  • According to IBISWorld, revenues in the consulting industry will exceed $261 billion in 2020. (nerdwallet.com)
  • Over 50% of consultants get their first consulting client through a referral from their network. (consultingsuccess.com)

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How To

What Does A Typical Day For A Consultant Look Like?

Depending on what type of work you do, your typical day may vary. But, in general, you will spend your time researching, planning and meeting new clients.

Meetings are a common way to discuss problems and issues with clients. These meetings can be done over the phone or via email.

It is possible that you will be asked to write proposals. These documents outline your ideas and plans, and are required by clients. These proposals should be discussed with a mentor or colleague before being presented to clients.

You will need to create content after all your planning and preparation. Writing articles, designing websites, editing photos or conducting interviews are just some of the options.

Depending on your project's scope, it may be necessary to do research to get relevant statistics. It may be necessary to know how many customers are currently using your products or services.

Once you have all the information needed, it is time for clients to see your findings. Your findings may be delivered orally, or written.

After your initial consultation with clients, you need to keep in touch. You can call clients to ask how they are doing or send emails asking for confirmation that your proposal was received.

This process takes time, but it's important to ensure that you stay focused and maintain good relationships with clients.


What is iOS Development?